Personal Care 3 min read

How to Look Younger for Longer: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips

How to Look Younger for Longer: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips
Published on Apr 29, 2022
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There comes a time for all of us when the stresses are everyday life begin to take their toll on us and we don't feel quite as active and youthful as we once did! 

What with hectic work schedules, early morning school runs, sleepless nights, and even years of sun damage - it's inevitable that you won't always physically and mentally feel your best.

And we understand that unfortunately looking after yourself and your skin routine can sometimes feel like a chore to achieve. With so many different products on the market, the costs can also quickly add up.

So we're here to give you 8 budget-friendly tips to rejuvenate your skin, body, and mind - and to keep you looking and feeling young and fresh.

1) Use SPF Daily

a young woman with applying suncream on a beach

Using SPF daily is key to keeping your skin looking youthful. 


You might be thinking, but I live in a country that doesn't have much sun daily, or you spend a lot of time indoors. UV rays penetrate the clouds and bounce off our face even on an overcast day, so SPF really is important. 


Sun damage affects our skin by causing it to age prematurely by damaging the elastic fibres that keep the skin firm. There are plenty of facial SPFs on the market from stores such as Space NK, and many brands offer moisturisers with SPF formulated within them, making it even easier to incorporate into your routine.


2) Drink Plenty of Water

a young woman drinking a glass of water

Drinking water and staying hydrated is another way to help maintain elasticity in your skin, to aid a youthful face and to feel good. And best of all, it doesn't have to cost you much!


You should aim to consume 8-10 glasses of water a day, remembering to space them out throughout the day, as the body is only able to optimally absorb so much water per hour. 


If you’re out and about and haven’t had your 8 glasses of water, pop into stores like Boots to pick up a bottle of water – and collect points while you’re at it!


Increasing your hydration will also your body clear out toxins that can contribute to pimples and spots. Staying hydrated is one of the most affordable options for helping your skin stay youthful. 

3) Invest in Good Quality Skincare

a middle-aged woman with glowing skin

Good quality skincare is a massive market, and there's good reason for it, too. 


Feeding your skin with the right products for your skin type will help keep it hydrated and smooth fine lines. It is important to invest in a good skincare routine from an early age, as prevention is the best way to ensure you will age gracefully. Check out Molton Brown who has a great range of skin care products.


Think of your skin as a barrier that needs protecting, and if that breaks down, it's much harder to rebuild and repair than it would be to just maintain it. 


Quality skincare can be a daunting investment but keep an eye out for discount codes and check multiple beauty websites. It's also worth checking out beauty influencers on Instagram and TikTok to see what has been tried and tested. 


4) Treat Yourself to a Facial at Home

two young women laid on a bed wearing face masks

You don't have to splurge in a spa to get a relaxing facial, it's so easy nowadays to pamper yourself at home, and is much more cost-effective!


Taking the time for some self-care is a great way to improve your skin and also have some much-needed me-time. Remember, a facial is much more than just your daily cleanse and can incorporate some real luxury. Liz Earle offers a full range of products that you can use at home for your very own personal facial.


Create a relaxing atmosphere by lighting a candle, keeping the lights low and playing some relaxing music. Start by cleansing your skin, to remove all the dirt and makeup, and then go all out by steaming your skin to prep your pores, exfoliate and massage in a face mask. All these things are able to be done on a budget, and your skin will thank you ten-fold for the pampering!


5) Eat Your Fruits & Veggies

an array of colourful fruit and vegetables

Fruit and veggies are packed full of vitamins that work to benefit your complexion and keep your skin glowing and have lots of health benefits. 


Vitamin C is a cancer-fighting antioxidant that helps promote collagen production in the skin. It is a key ingredient found in most skincare products thanks to its ability to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, whilst repairing damaged skin and preventing dry spots.  We also recommend fake tan rather than sunbeds to keep your skin at it’s best. Whilst the sun offers great vitamin D it can be harmful to your skin. Take a look at some alternative ways of tanning by visiting stores online like Skinny Tan.


To incorporate vitamin C and D into your diet on a budget, you can buy frozen fruit and veggies to keep costs down whilst also maximising the benefits of the vitamins. 


6) Exercise

a woman running along a road

If you want to work to cleanse your skin from within and feel a lot more vibrant and youthful in yourself, then increasing your activity level can help massively. 


Exercise increases the blood flow within your body, helping your cells to flush out cellular debris, whilst delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This in turn promotes the production of collagen in the cells, to help the skin glow. You don't have a sign up for a gym membership, doing a HIIT class on YouTube or even heading out for a run is the cheapest way to get that post-workout glow!

Just remember to make sure you remove your makeup and cleanse your face before your workout. You can pick up an array of cleansers and moisturisers from stores like Current Body to help you on your way. It's important to remember to cleanse your skin post-workout, as the sweat you've produced can sometimes work against your skin by filling your pores.  


And don’t worry if you need to stock up on some powerful deodorants to support your exercise routine, check out Wild Deodorant where you can pick up some great products to support your workout.


7) Get a Good Nights Sleep

 a young woman waking up looking refreshed


Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep for improving your skin and keeping you feeling young. It is called 'beauty sleep' after all! 


When you hit the pillow, this is your skin's time to maximise the repair of your cells. Grab your anti-ageing skin care products from Face the Future and get ready for a good night’s sleep! 

There is also a good reason why your anti-ageing skin products are designed to be used at night. Your skin is at its most receptive to allowing the products to absorb into your skin and work hard for you. If you are particularly struggling with your skin, remember to wash your pillowcases regularly to help keep the bacteria to a minimum. 


8) Invest in a Good Concealer

a young woman applying concealer under her eyes

Let's face it. Sometimes, an extra few hours of kip and a morning jog just won't cut it for making your skin look its best. Those dark circles and fine lines are always going to pop up, and for those times, a good concealer in your makeup bag from stores like The Body Shop will become your best friend. 


There are many on the market offering different properties for combating ageing skin. The 'triangle method' of application, the process of applying concealer in a diagonal line from the corner of the eye, is the best way of knocking some years off and giving your face a fresher look!

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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